Unique selling point, swot analysis and much more about Bata!

Uumm.....🤔🤔🤔 Do you know why we prefer Bata over other brands of footwear...yes, I have found why? 

We don't compromise when it comes to footwear, we always choose Bata ...the quality services and products it provides with differentiation...and also...changes in products as per fashion trends...is its unique selling point...where people have trust upon it...
And today I am sharing with you all about Bata company .... it's leadership points, and most importantly swot analysis.... each and every part Interesting...also as usual it's more interesting at its end...!

Hope you enjoy reading .... also do comment me if you want me to make any improvement in my post any corrections also .... your views on my post...

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About Bata:

Bata Limited(also known as the Bata Shoe Organization) is a Canadian owned multinational footwear and fashion accessorymanufacturer and retailer based in Lausanne, Switzerland.A family-owned business, the company is organized into three business units: Bata, Bata Industrials and AW Lab. The company has a retail presence of over 5,300 shops in more than 70 countries and production facilities in 18 countries.

Bata leadership points:

Bata operates in many different economic and cultural environments around the world, dictating very different types of operations. Although Bata does not sell the same shoes nor does it have identical stores in each country, customers will recognize common elements to the Bata experience everywhere in the world. These common elements are the Bata Leadership Points.

 The best product

Bata companies offer our customers fresh, fashionable footwear and accessories, designed specifically for the needs of the local market. Their shoes are always well made from quality materials.

The best service

Whether in India or Italy, their sales associates offer consistently first-class service. They are well trained to ensure a proper fit, and we pledge customer satisfaction.

The best value and quality

Through the efficient sourcing and distribution of Bata products, we can control the cost and quality at every step to ensure value to our customers.

The best locations

Bata stores are modern, attractive and located conveniently to our customers. Bata companies utilize innovative promotions and displays to display our products in attractive manner.

Mission of Bata:

Introduction of a strong shoe line targeted to various market segments to maintain leadership through increased market share.

Vision of Bata:

To provide good quality shoes at an affordable price. By keeping in mind the comfort that needs to be there and providing new designs with it.

Objectives of Bata:

Achievement of 100% estimated business in each category
Maintain a shoe line with 700 lines of which 200, 300, 150 & 50 lines for Men, Women Children & Plastic respectively.
Introduction of a shoe line as per life style as well as fashion trend.
Achieve an average 55%margin in each category
Innovate ideas or system for better management of merchandise distribution by maintaining 4 times stock turn.

Target Market 0f Bata: lower to middle income group as well as the upper segment.

Promotion strategy of Bata:

Promotion strategies are concerned with the planning, implementation, and control of persuasive communication with customers. Clear-cut objectives and a sharp focus on target customers are necessary for an effective promotional program. As Bata is a established brand here in Bangladesh they think that they should go on with more and more retail outlets rather than intense advertising. So they limit their advertising into following places:
  • Billboards
  • Adds on local newspaper
  • Some promotion together with other established brands


  Strengths of Bata:

•Image of the company
•Quality Product
•Differentiated line of products
•Competitive Pricing
•Strong distribution channel
•Modern manufacturing facilities
•Brand loyalty  at mass level

  Weaknesses of Bata:

•Insufficient promotional activities
Bata at present conducts all the store management activity manually. This results lots of lengthy paper works, errors & waste of time.
•Inability to catch the present trend in time
•Less competitive price due to high cost structure.
•VAT & tax barrier

  Opportunities of Bata:

•Despite political turbulence a segment of our middle-class is coming up with reasonable buying power. Many of them are women who are decision maker so the city store concept of Bata can attract them as whole of the family footwear can be available there.
•Consumer like differentiated products. •They like to shop in a store where they serve the whole family.
•More competition results in more campaign for products.
•Business Expansion in Shoe care products
•Utilize outsourcing especially the synergy sources to achieve competitive pricing
•Franchisee opportunity with global brands like Nike, Reebok, Hush Puppy
Market expansion opportunity in high fashion &  value for money footwear market for all categories of  shoes through Retail & WCSM channels

  Threat of bata:

•Political instability affects the supply of raw materials and distribution of finished products.
•Uncontrolled counterfeit of Bata products
•New companies like Apex, Homeland, Pagasus of Bangladesh and the foreign companies like Nike, Reebok, Addidas are already in the market with good quality product. Have to keep up with them respect of quality.
•Smuggelling of shoes and many stores in the city like the one’s in elephant road are the major market leaders. As they don’t have to pay for large amount of money for establishment, production, quality and advertising so they can sell at a much lower price than established brands like Bata.
•Rapid market expansion program by organized competitors like APEX.

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