Want to know about Starbucks marketing strategy.......!!!!!

Before discussing about starbucks marketing strategy we should know a little about starbucks itself.............

Here we go.....

About starbucks:

Starbucks Corporation is an American coffee company and coffee house chain . Starbucks was founded in seattle, Washington in 1971. As of early 2019, the company operates over 30,000 locations worldwide.

features of starbucks marketing strategy.

mission statement of starbucks:

“Establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow.”

Starbucks focuses on creating that personal connection between their customers, their baristas and their organization.

key takeaways: Your mission statement is the driving force behind everything that you do for your customers, it’s the promise you want to fulfill for them. Use your mission statement to inspire the message you want to send your customers. Tell them exactly what you’re going to give them.

How Starbucks Caters To Its Target Audience

They offer their target audience an experience when they come into their stores.
By focusing on the third place and giving their customers a place to be and interact, they make the price of the drink worth it in the eyes of their customers.
There is something comforting about ordering a good cup of coffee and being encouraged to sit in the shop with your laptop and work.

The Consistency Of Starbucks’ Branding And Experience:

starbucks marketing strategy.

As an internationally recognized brand, Starbucks needs to be consistent with their branding at all times. This spans every message they send, every piece of branded collateral they create, and every aspect of their in-store design and experience.

As an internationally recognized brand, Starbucks needs to be consistent with their branding at all times. This spans every message they send, every piece of branded collateral they create, and every aspect of their in-store design and experience.

The Classic Logo of starbucks:

Let’s start with their logo and branding design.
starbucks pricing strategy, logo of starbucks.

Unbeatable Branding Consistency:

That clean, modern design philosophy extends to everything they create.

Starbucks pricing tactics.

From the atmosphere in their stores, to their digital content, to their advertising, everything looks, sounds, and feels like Starbucks.

Key takeaways:Keeping a consistent brand experience for your customers is key to bringing them back to your organization and creating brand advocates out of your customers.

What Does Starbucks’ Marketing Mix Look Like?

Starbucks does well incorporating the four P’s throughout their marketing mix. Let’s dive in a bit to see how they’re doing it.

Product strategy of starbucks:

product strategy of starbucks, marketing strategy of starbucks, marketing mix of starbucks.

Starbucks’ product has to be high quality to get their target audience to justify buying it. You’re paying for premium coffee which means it needs to taste better than the same iced macchiato that you could get at a McDonald’s drive-through for less.

•Price strategy of starbucks:

Starbucks sells their coffee at a premium price, or at least 25% higher than value brands. In 1990, only three percent of the coffee sold in the United States was sold at premium prices.
By offering customers exceptional drinks and food, Starbucks can charge more for them. Why? Because people are willing to pay for it.

•Promotion strategy of starbucks:

Starbucks uses a large variety of channels to market their product from social media to TV spots and ads. It’s their mix of marketing media that makes their brand recognizable, and it’s the consistent message that comes across every time that makes them stand out.

•Place strategy of starbucks:

place strategy of starbucks.

Read anything about Starbucks, and they’ll probably mention the idea of "the third place." Their efforts to create a space where people want to come.
key takeaways: By creating a premium experience, your brand can charge a higher price while delivering better product than your competition.

Starbucks Marketing Strategy main takeaways:

*Quality based differentiation – premium
 *quality tea and coffee
*Excellent customer service.
*Consistent brand experience.
*Use of unconventional techniques for 
*marketing and branding
*Image of an ethical brand
*Excellent brand merchandise
*Customer orientation
*High brand equity
*Unconventional social media techniques of establishing consumer connection.
*Creating real customer value
*Near no or less use of traditional methods for marketing (till some years ago; now it is using a mixed strategy)
*Good quality products and customer service – higher word of mouth marketing.
*Investment in advertising for last 4-5 years.

Want to know more about Marketing startegy click here.

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